Lets Go Eagles! Lets Go Patriots!

In anticipation of the Super Bowl, we decided to celebrate the momentous event with our patients and throw a Super Bowl party.

Throughout the week, patients and their families have been playing games, guessing which team will win the Super Bowl, and taking fun photos with football-themed props. They’ve tossed miniature footballs along a 50-yard field, flicked them over goal posts, and helped themselves to yummy braces-friendly snacks!

A poll of our patients shows 61% are rooting for the Eagles to win while the other 39% are Patriots fans! May the best team win!

After patients demonstrated their football tossing skills, they were entered into a raffle for a $25 iTunes gift card. We will be announcing the winner of our Super Bowl series the Monday after Super Bowl. We had fun creating the games and hope all our patients had fun participating!

Whether you end up at a Super Bowl party watching football’s biggest event on a wide screen with friends and food or show up just for commercials and the half-time show, we hope you enjoy yourself this Sunday!

Please enjoy FVO’s very own ‘Highlight Reel’ of this past week above.