On Fridays during the summer, FVO patients and family members were welcomed to stop in and grab a delicious frozen treat at our office. What a perfect way to handle a post-braces appointment or to cool off from the heat!! Dr. Menjivar and the Smile Team all agree you don’t need a reason to enjoy ice-cream, and we look forward to seeing everyone! It was just one of the many ways we get to say “thank you” to all of the amazing patients and families who are part of our FVO Family.

Do you have an idea for what we can do to celebrate fall or the holidays in the upcoming months? Please let us know at your next visit. We would love to hear your ideas. Be sure to follow us on Facebook (Farmington Valley Orthodontics) and Instagram (@farmingtonvalleyorthodontics.com) to keep up to date on the latest contests and fun events happening with FVO. Be sure to read highlights in our quarterly newsletter coming out in September!!