FVO Supports Simsbury Duck Race

The Farmington Valley Orthodontics Smile Team had a blast supporting the Tootin’ Hills Elementary School PTO at the Simsbury Duck Race on May 24, 2019. We were so excited to submit a business duck to support a wonderful organization. We pooled our creative genius and designed a Genie duck, modeled on the genie played by Will Smith in the new release of Aladdin. The release date of this treasured Disney movie now with “real people” happened to coincide with the date of the Simsbury duck race so our creation was quite timely. We enjoyed seeing so many friendly faces of patients and friends from our community and cheering on the ducks that floated down the river in the various races.

From Duck to Genie

For the full duck transformation, check us out on Instagram (@farmingtonvalleyorthodontics) or on our Facebook business page.

Mother nature came through with a gorgeous day – the weather could not have been better, and I think everyone in Simsbury and perhaps surrounding towns showed up for this beloved event that has grown in popularity in just the five years since its inception. Congrats to all the creative submissions and for all the participants from Tootin Hills for putting on such a fun event.

Do you have any ideas for a duck design for us for next year? If so, we’re all ears!

Dr. Menjivar and the Smile Team enjoy supporting community events. If you would like to partner with us to support one of your events, please reach out via email at info@iwantbraces.com or by calling us at 860-673-6105.